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Technologies to reduce, remove, or separate hydrocarbon compounds

103 2023. 7. 10.
Technologies to reduce, remove, or separate hydrocarbon compounds


The Company has an established customer base and global processing operations. The company can provide significant resources to scale up potential processes and relevant businesses, including financial investment and joint development. The client is interested in working with technology developers and would consider a variety of ways of working from research collaboration to technology licensing, joint venture and acquisition.

Stage of Development

TRL 9 - Already on the market


The Company is actively searching for partners with expertise in technologies for reducing, removing, or separating hydrocarbon compounds. They are interested in connecting with universities and other research organisations, start-ups and established companies who are developing suitable or applicable technologies.
Potential solutions could come from (but are not limited to) the following: 

• Technologies that act as adsorbents / absorbents for ≤C50 hydrocarbon compounds
• Technologies that could specifically cleave or digest hydrocarbon compounds to a lower carbon number (e.g., • Chemical processing technologies including solvents, anti-solvents, chemical reactants, enzymes
• Membrane technologies that could separate off saturated or aromatic ≤C50 hydrocarbons
• Short-path distillation or thin-film evaporation technologies, with lower operating temperatures and short processing times
• Use of steam, vacuum, light or other physical separation methods to separate and remove hydrocarbon fractions

Solutions that achieve one or more of the following would be of particular interest: 

• Separate non-volatile hydrocarbon compounds according to molecular size and / or chain length
• Use processing temperatures below 215oC (higher might be possible for short time periods)
• Technologies compatible with a medium of triglycerides
• Technologies that target specific saturated or aromatic ≤C50 hydrocarbon chemicals
• Potential for scale up to manufacturing scale within 5 years

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought


Technology Keywords

10.2 Environment

Market Application Keywords

5.3.1 Disposable products

Sector Group


Type and Size of Client


Type and Role of Partner Sought

Consumer healthcare, food and beverage (e.g., manufacturing flavours, extracting volatiles or essential oils, purification of micronutrients), biopharma, (e.g., purification of APIs), water treatment, oil and gas manufacture, environmental remediation (e.g., removal and separation of hydrocarbons).

Type of Partnership Considered

Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Joint venture agreement
Research cooperation agreement


Strategic Allies Limited

Internal Reference




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