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Fluid Dynamic Numerical Simulation Of A Ballpoint Pen Writing System

234 2024. 6. 11.
Fluid Dynamic Numerical Simulation Of A Ballpoint Pen Writing System


The writing performance of a ballpoint pen depends on the interaction between the ink, the ball, and 
ball socket, and the paper. Fluid dynamic numerical simulations could help determine quantitatively on 
the one hand the magnitude of certain key parameters such as the ink viscosity, surface roughness, shear 
rate, stress & strain distribution, etc, and on the other their influence on ink flow and consumption.
The group has extensive empirical knowledge of the parameters affecting writing but has never used 
numerical simulations to further enhance it. A quantitative analysis of the influence of a system 
parameter on writing would help us pinpoint those that have to be adjusted to meet the expected 
product performance.

Stage of Development

TRL 5 - Project Already Started


Must Haves: 

  • Fluid dynamic numerical simulation of the ballpoint pen tip system (ball-tip-ink)able to take 
    into consideration certain key parameters such as the ink viscosity, surface roughness, shear 
    rate, stress & strain distribution etc, and their influence on ink flow and consumption.
  • Good agreement between numerical and experimental results
  • Ability to identify key properties controlling the writing process
  • Possibility to modify the system parameters (e.g., ink viscosity, ball roughness, etc.) to 
    determine the best possible configuration


Solution Requirements: 

  • Technology Readiness Level: Minimum 5 (technology has been validated in a relevant 
    environment, often through testing of components or subsystems in simulated operational 
  • Any geographical area
  • Any IP status is applicable

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought

There are opportunities for partnerships, research funding, and research collaboration with various stakeholders, including startups, small and medium companies, large corporates, universities, and research institutes.

Technology Keywords

5.7 Mechanical Engineering

Market Application Keywords

8.1.14 Lubricants and functional fluids

Sector Group


Type and Size of Client

Industry >500

Type and Role of Partner Sought

R&D contracts and technology licensing agreements.  

Type of Partnership Considered

License agreement
Research cooperation agreement



Internal Reference




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