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German company looking for Korean Partners to apply for "2024 Korea-Germany (2+2) International Joint Technology Development Project"

177 2024. 8. 12.
German company looking for Korean Partners to apply for


A German company is looking for Korean project partners to apply for funding for a German-Korean Research funding programme in Germany called Förderung von Vorhaben der strategischen Projektförderung mit der Republik Korea unter der Beteiligung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft (2 + 2-Projekte) zu den Themen „Halbleiter und Assistenzrobotik“ (Promotion of strategic project funding programmes with the Republic of Korea with the participation of industry and science (2 + 2 projects) on the topics of ‘semiconductors and assistance robotic).

Stage of Development

TRL 3 - Proposal under development


The German company proposes a project that deals with assistive robotics, with a focus on:


Collaborative robotics: development of collaborative robots, including those for disaster response.

Robotics for public spaces: development of robots for use in public spaces to improve the efficiency and safety of services.

Technology Keywords

1.1.1 Automation, Robotics Control Systems
1.1.15 Semiconductors
5.6.6 Sensors/Multisensor Technology, Instrumentation

Market Application Keywords

8.2.4 Robotics

Sector Group


Type and Size of Client


Type and Role of Partner Sought

Areas of expertise of the Korean partners could be:

Expertise in advanced robotics, AI integration, sensor technology and public space automation.

Type of Partnership Considered

Research cooperation agreement


Enterprise Europe Network (Germany)

Internal Reference




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