Seek co-innovation with global enterprises and governmental institutions

SLINGSHOT 2024 - Deep tech startup pitching competition

SLINGSHOT 2024 - Deep tech startup pitching competition

46 2024. 5. 21.

Last year, close to 4,700 startups from 150 countries took part in SLINGSHOT 2023, with our Top 50 Global Startups joining us in Singapore to network with key ecosystem partners.
Embark on the SLINGSHOT journey and compete in any of our five emerging challenge domains to unveil your trailblazing solutions and innovations to key industry leaders and a global audience of investors.
Propel your startup onto the global scene by joining Singapore's thriving deep tech tech ecosystem, and compete for S$1.2 million worth in grant prizes.
SLINGSHOT 2024 Finals will be held at the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) 2024.


Mar. 12(Tue) ~ Jul. 1(Mon), 2024


Canada – South Korea 2024 Call for Proposals

Canada – South Korea 2024 Call for Proposals

49 2024. 3. 13.

Working together, the governments of Canada and South Korea aim to foster and support collaborative industrial research and development (R&D) projects with a high potential for commercialization. This call for proposals is open to organizations from Canada and South Korea who wish to form project consortia to perform collaborative projects focused on developing innovative products, processes, or technology-based services in advanced manufacturing, clean technologies, digital technologies, health and biosciences, and quantum technologies sectors.

China-Japan-Korea Youth Innovation Competition

China-Japan-Korea Youth Innovation Competition

50 2024. 3. 13.

China-Japan-Korea Youth Innovation Competition explore outstanding youth innovation technology projects and talents in China, Japan and Korea. Focusing on the cooperation and development issues concerned by the innovation teams of China, Japan and Korea, the event will help them gain an in-depth understanding of market trends, share cooperation experiences and suggestions, and dock with investment institutions by introducing the investment and entrepreneurial environment, policy interpretation and experience sharing, prepare for the follow-up cooperation of the youth innovation teams and promote practical cooperation.

10th South Korea - Switzerland Call for Joint Innovation Projects

10th South Korea - Switzerland Call for Joint Innovation Projects

51 2024. 2. 5.

The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Swiss Innovation Agency
(Innosuisse) announce a bilateral call for joint R&D project outlines focused on developing market-ready
solutions for products, technology-based services or processes that have significant market potential for South Korea and Switzerland. The call is open to all scientific disciplines, but projects for products or services in the following areas are particularly encouraged:

• Biotech; Medtech
• Digitalisation; Industry 4.0; IoT; Artificial Intelligence
• Additive manufacturing
• Smart Materials; Innovative Surfaces
• Augmented and Virtual Reality
• Hydrogen Technologies
• Renewable Energy & Batteries


Feb. 7(Wed) ~ May. 24(Fri), 2024




48 2024. 1. 17.

Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Centre for the Development
of Technology and Innovation E.P.E. (CDTI) have been designated as funding agencies to
manage a new joint top-down R&D Bilateral Programme, the Korea Spain Strategic
Programme (KSSP), to select and fund singular projects in mutually agreed topics.

This call for proposals under the KSSP aims to launch ambitious strategic joint R&D projects
of a high international standard between Korean and Spanish organizations. The selected
projects will be funded by KIAT in Korea and CDTI in Spain.

10th German-Korean Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects

10th German-Korean Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects

93 2024. 1. 17.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE) and the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Clima Action (BMWK) intend to support joint German-Korean
research and development projects (R&D projects) in order to develop innovative products,
processes or technical services from all technology and application areas.

Funding will be available for R&D projects in which new products, services or processes with a
high market potential are developed and subsequently transformed into marketable products.
In Germany, funding is provided through the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM).
MOTIE (Coordinator: Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology - KIAT) and AiF Projekt
GmbH (ZIM project management agency on behalf of the BMWK) support the applicants in the
phase of submission of project proposals, in the evaluation and in the implementation phase.
KIAT and AiF Projekt GmbH will evaluate the submitted proposals and communicate the
results within 4 to 5 months after the call deadline.

ISC3 Innovation Challenge in Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles

ISC3 Innovation Challenge in Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles

204 2023. 12. 15.

To accelerate the search for innovative solutions in the chemistry-sphere, the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) launched its next Innovation Challenge to engage, award and promote Sustainable Chemistry innovators from around the world. The Innovation Challenge 2024 calls for innovations in the field of Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles.

You are addressing this topic with your Start-up? Then APPLY NOW and compete for 25,000€ in total: Fill out the registration form and submit your application until March 1st, 2024: ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2024 in Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles.

Topics addressed by innovation proposals may include Environmentally benign production:
• Substitution of harmful chemicals in textile and leather manufacturing*
• Alternative processes; e.g. use of enzymes for leather tanning
• Etc.


Dec. 1(Fri) ~ Mar. 1(Fri), 2024


NTU Sustainability Challenge 2023

NTU Sustainability Challenge 2023

119 2023. 7. 17.

As a leading research-intensive university, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU
Singapore) acknowledges the need and responsibility to respond to environmental, social, and
economic challenges. Over the years, NTU Singapore has built its strengths in sustainability
through a wide range of offerings and achievements in education, research, technological
innovation, artistic creativity and service to society.
To build on this momentum to do our part for the environment, the University has a 15-year
manifesto that will guide its actions and solidify its reputation as one of the global leaders in
In line with the 15-year manifesto, NTU Singapore and Enterprise Singapore are co-organising the
inaugural NTU Sustainability Challenge 2023 to bring together innovators and researchers to
leverage on technology to co-develop eco-friendly solutions that can address environmental
issues in-campus.
Come join us for the NTU Sustainability Challenge 2023 today!



107 2023. 7. 14.

In a world where our physical, mental, and social well-being is becoming increasingly important, the global wellness economy, valued at a staggering US$4.4 trillion in 2020 with a remarkable growth trajectory, stands at the forefront of transforming lives and societies. The wellness economy is multifaceted, encompassing sectors such as physical activity, healthy eating and nutrition, to personal care and complementary medicine. It is ripe with opportunities for innovators who can navigate emerging challenges within it, leveraging technologies and creative thinking to unlock new avenues for holistic well-being. To do so, we must foster an ecosystem of collaboration and co-creation, marrying the power of enterprise and innovation.
With this in mind, the Wellness Open Innovation Challenge 2023 aims to catalyse partnerships between established companies and solution providers. Our goal is to co-develop impactful solutions that can revolutionise the wellness economy, locally and globally. The focus areas of this challenge include Fitness, Personal Care, and Travel. Six participating corporate partners have provided eight challenge statements across these themes. Selected innovators will receive an opportunity for co-creation with industry leaders, benefiting from their vast knowledge, mentorship, and resources. They may also be eligible for grant support from Enterprise Singapore and other exciting rewards from our corporate partners.

UK-South Korea Digital Health CRD

UK-South Korea Digital Health CRD

538 2023. 6. 22.

Innovate UK and the Medical Research Council (MRC), part of UK Research and Innovation, will work with the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) to invest up to £3 million in innovation projects.

The aim of this competition is to fund business led, collaborative research and development (CR&D) projects. Projects must aim to deliver economic, knowledge and health benefit through industrial innovation and academic collaboration in the area of Digital Health for the UK and South Korea.

UK registered organisations must apply through the Innovation Funding Service (IFS) portal to Innovate UK. Successful projects will be co-funded by Innovate UK and MRC.

Your South Korean partner will not receive any funding from Innovate UK and MRC. South Korean partners must apply to and will be funded by KHIDI for the South Korean component of the project set out in this application.

In applying to this competition, you are entering into a competitive process. This competition closes at 11am UK time on the deadline stated. The project must be independently selected by both Innovate UK and KHIDI to be awarded funding.

3rd Call NHG Open Innovation Challenge 2022

3rd Call NHG Open Innovation Challenge 2022

95 2023. 4. 10.

NHG OIC is a platform that aims to pair clinicians with a diverse range of partners to collaborate and solve unmet healthcare needs.
To encourage the sustainability of solutions, it is crucial to co-develop and integrate them into the clinical workflow. Previous runs of NHG OIC have resulted in successful outcomes such as the formation of MedTech startups and innovative solutions, and we hope to support more of such collaborations.

UK-South Korea Collaborative R&D Round 2

UK-South Korea Collaborative R&D Round 2

770 2023. 3. 30.

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will work with the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and Korean Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) to invest up to £2 million in innovation projects.
The aim of this competition is to fund business led, collaborative research and development (CR&D) projects focused on industrial research. This is for innovative proposals developed between the UK and South Korea.
Your proposal must include at least one partner from the UK and one partner from South Korea.
UK registered organisations must apply to and will be funded by Innovate UK.
Your South Korean partner will not receive any funding from Innovate UK. South Korean partners must apply to and will be funded by either KIAT or KETEP, depending on the focus sector of the project
