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Qroom: Holographic service desk for public and private organisations and networks

198 2023. 4. 13.
Qroom: Holographic service desk for public and private organisations and networks


Qroom is the world’s first immersive holographic tele relationship system; it allows customers to access the whole range of a company services by interacting with its clerks or specialists in real-time through her/his hologram. Detect identity, exchange documents, sign contracts, talk, chat and speak (even gossip…), naturally and directly, in a brightly lighted fully comfortable environment. A real human interaction from even the farthest distance removing the need for expensive local offices and travel, while preserving the near physical presence of the human interaction and assistance. 

Advantages and Innovations

Dramatically reduce setup costs, overheads and organisation of local service offices and networks
Reach and ensure presence to remote or widely dispersed service locations
Keep bandwidth consumption negligible 
Ensure 24/7/365 service presence anywhere, any distance
Allow access to costly top-end, highly specialised services only where and when called for
Use it for commercial promotion, public campaigns, meeting, co-working sessions
1) Simple and essential structure
2) Extremely low costs (purchase/license/set up)
3) Bright and comfortable environment
4) Made to interact in real time between people (and perform transactional operations)
5) Minimal bandwidth consumption (800 Kb/2 Mb per second)
6) One-to-many-to-one, point-to-point communication
7) Standard hardware, essential equipment

Stage of Development

TRL 9 - Already on the market


The state-of-the-art system is based on the merging of advanced expertise in optical perception and a highly performing software architecture. It was designed and developed by Quintetto in cooperation with the National Institute of Optics (National Research Council of Italy) of Florence. It combines hardware (cameras, monitors, computers and speakers) with a specific scenography (lighting, sound, reflections and interior design) to create lifelike hologram representations of people and space. Qroom consists of a front end environment where the user can see the remote operator, talk to him/her and upload and exchange documents, and a back end environment where the operator can see and talk to the user. The two environments are equipped with cameras that allows for eye-to-eye contact, microphone-speaker for conversation, and physical devices to allow the exchange of digital- and paper based information. 
Qroom was awarded the patent N. 102015000056697 by the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, a success shared with the National Research Council of Italy, who owns 10% of the patent. 

Technology Keywords

1.1.2 Digital Systems, Digital Representation
1.1.5 Embedded Systems and Real Time Systems
1.2.6 Computer Software
1.2.13 Information Technology/Informatics
1.4 Multimedia
1.4.1 Cultural Heritage

Market Application Keywords

1.4 Data Communications
2.7.5 Communications/networking
7.2 Retailing

Sector Group


Type and Size of Client

Industry SME 11-49

Type and Role of Partner Sought

Reseller/System integrator

Type of Partnership Considered

Joint Venture Agreement
License Agreement


Quintetto srl

Internal Reference




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