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Tool to record and stimulate neuron activities

120 2023. 5. 18.
Tool to record and stimulate neuron activities


The Company, based in Seoul, South Korea, work on exploration for the hospital’s and universities’ neuroscience and/or brain engineering labs. Micro/Nano-sized electrodes on the flexible, durable circuit board firmly assist lab activities. This neural probe can be sold directly to companies and universities doing scientific research in bioengineering, neuroscience, and brain engineering.

Advantages and Innovations

1. Flexible

- Non-breakable: The neural probe is made of a polymer film (not the brittle silicone material of the others’). The advanced fPCB engineering ability accomplishes this. This fact ensures safe neural recording in vivo and in vitro experiments.

- Convenient: The package provides the easiest way to connect the neural probe to an existing neural recording interface. The company provides six connectors, varies by user’s request, not like the complicated machine interface between the in vivo sensor and the Headstage connected through a computer.

- Accessible: The neural probe requires only the neural probe and connectors inside the package. It means that no other devices like tetrode twister are needed. It decreases initial expenses for adventurous labs and improves budget plans for companies.

- Adaptable: The neural probe’s exclusive features range from deep brain stimulation to hippocampal neural recording. Its customizable functionality lets the user focus on their experiment more easily with just one flexible neural probe. 


2. Customizable

- From 1 to 4 shanks and 1 to 32 channels: The experiment object varies by the user’s goal. The number of shanks or recording/stimulating channels is crucial, whether in the limbic system or the inner brain. 


3. Biocompatibility

- Fully compatible with in vivo and complex experiments about neural interfaces due to durable and convertible neural probe system

- It can detect neural spikes more accurately, collect cell clusters and track them delicately. This means neurons can survive and act normally around the neural probe’s nano-scale shank.

Stage of Development

TRL 9 - Already on the market


The neural probe explores how to integrate electrochemistry, material science and electrical engineering into biotechnology to make a healthy, happy future by revealing the true self of neural activities and its delicate algorithms. As such humanity can translate electrochemical signals between the neuronal groups to algorithms, allowing us for a deep understanding of the foundation of the brain, causing and medical treatment of neurological disorders.


The company has successful partnerships with the biggest tertiary hospitals in South Korea. The bioengineering, neuroscience, and brain engineering projects are undergoing wildly with excellent knowledge and on-site data from the lab. With this expertise and experience, the next step is going into the global market and seek R&I based companies and universities doing scientific research in this field in order to do international R&I projects to acquire extra knowledge and insight into bioengineering, neuroscience, and brain engineering to support humanity. Our product, a neural probe, is in the core.


A neural probe is a scientific tool which captures what is happening in the neuron scale, such as neural spikes and cell activities. These marks are significant for describing how to translate undergoing process inside an animal brain to mathematical algorithms or medical 2D images. The fact indicates that scientists and engineers must consider high functionality and biocompatibility for designing a neural probe.


Attention to the Human-computer interface (HCI) field has increased since the 20th century when humans dreamed of communicating with other high-intelligence life forms. From science fiction about extraterrestrial civilizations to machine interfaces, humanity tried to establish mathematical and scientific descriptions behind the intellectual process. The company designed and developed the neural probe with much pride and professionality for this generation and the upcoming Fourth industrial biotechnological revolution society.


The neural probe is full of technological evolution. It has 8 to 32 nano-scale electrodes coated in biocompatible high-polymer materials. Its customizable channels can capture neural activities precisely and effectively in the electrochemical pool where neurons combine and communicate. Because of its nano-scale size, it can access the inner brain, such as the laboratory mouse’s hippocampus and motor cortex. 


Furthermore, the company has expertise in making durable biomaterial circuit boards. The neural probe is built upon a flexible printed circuit board (fPCB), so the user does not have to care whether the neural probe is broken inside the brain. 

Technology Keywords

5.5.1 Biosensor
6.1 Medicine, Human Health
6.1.6 Diagnostics, Diagnosis
6.1.14 Medical Technology/Biomedical Engineering
6.1.15 Neurology, Brain Research

Market Application Keywords

5.1.8 Diagnostic test products and equipment
5.2.2 Surgical instrumentation and equipment
5.2.4 Drug delivery and other equipment (including kidney dialysis machines)

Sector Group

Proximity & Social Economy and Health

Type and Size of Client


Type and Role of Partner Sought

  • Loyal customer support for verified purchases: Fast support and detailed brochures are provided.
  • Research partnership: Trustworthy neural probes and experts lead the project to successful results. For example, we already collaborate with the most potent tertiary referral hospitals for thriving National research projects.
  • Loyal customer support for verified purchases
  • Support for lab equipment: Education pricing and student discount, detailed brochure for beginners.
  • Special lecture for students: Provide meaningful insight into the field and internship opportunities to the students who drive the future.

Type of Partnership Considered

Commercial Agency Agreement
Financial Agreement
Joint Venture Agreement



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