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Nano-Si/C anode material low-cost mass production technology for electric vehicles
101 2024. 1. 10.
A Korean company is developing low-cost mass production technology using a rotary kiln type microwave heating system for Si/C anode materials which have the effect of improving the charging speed and driving range of electric vehicles. It enables a uniform and continuous process, lowering unit costs and securing competitiveness. The company is seeking cooperation on various matters, including technical cooperation with global secondary battery material companies and electric vehicle companies.
Advantages and Innovations
The Rotary kiln type Microwave heating system that the company is developing is a continuous process and is easy to expand, making it suitable for low-cost mass production of Nano-Si/C anode materials (single process within 1 to 2 minutes, eco-friendly process (no solvent, no by-products)).
After confirming the function of a single unit, they expect to be able to rapidly increase production throughput through parallel arrangement, and have the potential to lead the market in the global silicon anode material market by securing price competitiveness. It is expected that the company will be able to grow into world class.
Stage of Development
The market for Nano-Si/C anode materials for electric vehicles is growing at 76.6%, forming a market worth KRW 16.2 trillion over 30 years. Additionally, the silicon anode material improves charging speed and driving distance.
Various silicon anode material mass production processes are being developed, but the process is complicated and expensive.
Recently, a single process within 1 minute has been developed through a microwave-applied carbon thermal shock process, but there is a need to develop a uniform reaction process and continuous process that solves the microwave skin depth problem.
The Korean company was founded by two doctoral-level researchers with more than 13 years of experience in microwave system development. They are developing low-cost mass production technology for Nano-Si/C anode materials and have applied for original patents and PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty).
A system that solves the uneven reaction of the material surface due to the Skin Depth effect of microwaves (e.g. SiC synthesis area due to excessively high temperature, silicon formation problem of micro size dot or more, unreacted area, etc.) and enables low-cost mass production process and scalability. It is possible to secure a business differentiation strategy.
Technology Keywords
Market Application Keywords
Sector Group
Type and Size of Client
Type and Role of Partner Sought
- Type of partner sought
Companies that demand secondary battery materials, especially nano silicon-carbon composite anode materials
- Specific area of activity of the partner
1. Secondary battery related companies
2. Electric vehicle related companies
Type of Partnership Considered
Financial agreement
Internal Reference
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